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Organizational structure

The organizational structure has a small, general board, which can meet and discuss regularly to guarantee the general management of the consortium and to allow reactions to international opportunities and threats within a reasonable period of time. 

The international board represents the true value of NuPhaC, with representatives of different European countries. In the figure, some examples are given. The international board meets twice a year, and on demand. The NuPhaC International Board defines the strategies to achieve the goals of NuPhaC. The members represent NuPhaC in their own country. They are the link, the experts exchanging knowledge between NuPhaC and the stakeholders and vice versa.

In alignment with specific projects, various project teams can be constructed. These project teams can be either national or international.


International organizational structure

Who can be a general board member?

Board members need to have a doctoral degree. They need to submit a declaration of intent, in which they convince the other general board of their engagement in achieving the goals of NuPhaC. Furthermore, they need to formally sign the collaboration agreement.


General board members need to attend the NuPhaC days, which are organized in Belgium every year in September. During this 2 day meeting, NuPhaC strategy is evaluated and new short and long term goals are defined. There is no re-imbursement of travel costs.


General board members need to attend three monthly general board meetings. The September meeting is during the NuPhaC days. Attendance through Skype is possible.


General board members need to mention their NuPhaC affiliation on all publications related to nurse and pharmaceutical care.


General board members actively participate in the general management of NuPhaC. They can prove in the yearly NuPhaC days how they contributed to sustaining and strengthening NuPhaC.



Who can be an international board member?

Board members need to have a doctoral degree. They need to submit a declaration of intent, in which they convince the general board of their engagement in achieving the goals of NuPhaC. Furthermore, they need to formally sign the collaboration agreement, which includes submitting a yearly short report on NuPhaC in the country of the representative.



National boards, expert advisors and stakeholders

The national representative is chair of the national NuPhaC board.  The composition of the national board can be determined by the national representative, with the focus on NuPhaC’s  goals and the national context.


National boards consist of nurses interested in a substantial engagement in NuPhaC.

An expert advisory committee consists of an interprofessional, intersectorial team, not involved in the organization of NuPhaC, yet on whom you can rely for expert advise (politicy makers, experts in pharmaceutical care, representatives of professional associations, …).

Furthermore national boards build a strong collaborative network with stakeholders in nurse and pharmaceutical care, including patients. The stakeholder network can help to set up projects with high relevance to and impact on practice, and to disseminate and implement innovations.


Each National board receives a separate page on the NuPhaC website.

Project teams

Depending on the needs and the opportunities, project teams can be constructed. The composition of the project teams depends on the characteristics of the project. The NuPhaC network can be used to compose a team that best fits the project. Teams can be either national of international.


Projects and project teams can use the NuPhaC website to increase visibility.

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