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Project File: ADRe profile



ADRe is included in the WHO’s collection of resources on the webpages of ‘The Third WHO Global Patient Safety Challenge: Medication without harm?


ADRe has recently received support from the WHO as ‘good practice’, on the hub.” The first on the list is ADRe: ADRe – The Adverse Drug Reaction Profile tool (Swansea University) - Adverse interactions - Patient Safety Learning - the hub (


Logan, V., Bamsey, A., Carter, N., Hughes, D., Turner, A. & Jordan, S. (2022). Clinical Impact of Implementing a Nurse-Led Adverse Drug Reaction Profile in Older Adults Prescribed Multiple Medicines in UK Primary Care: A Study Protocol for a Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial. Pharmacy; 10(3):52.


Jordan,S., Logan,V., Turner,A., & Hughes,D.Using nurse-led patient monitoring to avoid medicines-related harm.Nursing Standard, doi:10.7748/ns.2021.e11770. 28.6.21 Using nurse-led patient monitoring to avoid medicines-related harm (


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